Social networks are a true revolutionary tool of modern life. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether it was better or worse before they appeared, but one thing becomes clear: they fundamentally changed the concepts of first impressions, courtship, communication and time spent together. Social networks influence the most important decisions in our life: choosing a partner (for love). “We will not meet, but we will write to each other.” To the question “Where did you meet?” The answer “on the Internet” is increasingly heard. This is truly the perfect way to find local single women. The number of same-sex couples has grown. A quarrel can begin (and most often begins) due to the manifestations of social networks: someone liked, with someone a photo.
We communicate differently
Communication is one of the main needs of a person, but dating apps and social networks allow you not to spend a lot of time courting your partner. There are online cinemas and goods delivery services, which reduces the time spent together, but still satisfies our needs.

In a different way, even daily communication takes place: for people who do not like to talk on the phone for a long time, social networks are an ideal way of communication. You can record voice or video messages, write long texts, or, conversely, answer with monosyllabic phrases – who cares. You don’t have to worry about saying something wrong, because a message can always be erased and corrected or deleted altogether. And congratulations: you don’t need to worry and not memorize a beautiful text for fear of getting lost, but simply make a video clip with photos and a beautiful signature. A shopping trip to the store is now not with long lists on a piece of paper, but in a message on the phone. But in reality, it’s better not to allow yourself to completely switch to the digital world, but to leave at least some piece of live communication in truth “alive”. Using the Internet, it is easier to meet some direct person as a plus size girl.
First date
And finally – a few words about how to behave, if you have reached the desired goal – found a man on the site who, in your opinion, suits you from all sides.

No matter how quickly you want to get acquainted with the candidate firsthand, you should not rush into this. Chat, chat and determine how much the person is right for you on an educational, cultural and even social level. And the last condition is not dictated at all by snobbery, it is a vital necessity, not without reason the heroine of “Gone with the Wind” said that “husband and wife should be from the same test.” In our time, this is spoken of as the rule of “one child’s”: if people grew up, studied and lived in similar conditions, received the same education, they have much more in common than representatives of different social strata. Naturally, such a marriage will not only be stronger, but also – which is important! – much nicer for those who enter it.
During a date, try not to behave like in a store, evaluating the conformity of the “quality” of a product to its value. The rule of the hero of the “Caucasian Captive”, which stated: “You do not choose a goat, but a wife,” works here. Take an interest not so much in the size of the candidate’s salary as in his views, tastes and preferences.

And finally, psychologists do not advise ending the first date in bed. And, believe me, they are not guided by hypocritical considerations. Refusal of intimacy will allow you to recognize the true goals of a new acquaintance: a person who is not tuned to a serious relationship, having received a refusal, simply will not continue to waste time on you, but will look for an object more accommodating.
Also, experts advise not to demonstrate their interest in continuing the relationship, not to demonstrate excessive efficiency, stay as natural as possible and not expect increased activity from a man – initiative and enterprising men rarely use dating sites. Although there are pleasant exceptions.